Monday, June 9, 2008


Janet had her first big day of climbing - 260 miles and >15K feet. We left Blythe at sunrise and commuted a few miles up I10 into the sun. The temps in E. Ariz shot up to the high 90s by late morning. She flew up Yarnell Grade at 2500 vertical ft/hr to find much cooler temps. After a 90min sleep break she continued the climbs up to Prescott, Jerome, and finally Flagstaff - for a shower and a full 3 hour sleep break.

We traded places once with Caroline though we're seeing her vans less often. The crew routine is running smoothly. After 500 miles in 38 hours, today will be a slow sore start. We depart Flag at sunrise with blue skies and 38degrees, for the Navajo Nation. Perhaps we will see the sun set in Utah today.

Chief report day 2