Saturday, November 15, 2008

The Wizrd of Oz / Janet's Strange RAAM Dream

And then Glenda the Good Witch (played by Susan Sarandon) said, “Just tap your ruby red slippers three times and say there’s no place like home”. The Osprey did this fervently wishing she would be returned home from the strange place she found herself (a West Virginia mining town). Later on in the dream while attempting to karaoke to “Somewhere over the Rainbow”, Osprey was rather unceremoniously elbowed off screen by an indignant Judy Garland.

When she awoke, she was lying in a soft grassy ditch on the side of route 50, apparently having fallen asleep and veered off the road. Surrounded by her ever solicitous crew, she blinked her eyes, realized where she was and said “Wow, what a weird dream I had. Sam Beal was the Scarecrow desperately seeking a brain, Tom Miller was the Tin Man hoping for a transplant knee cartilage, and Ron Smith was the Cowardly Lion seeking the courage to finally lose his temper and snap at somebody. “

They helped her to her feet and said, well at least you’re way past Kansas. But you’ve still got a ways to go. “Alright…hard to believe all that was a dream” she sighed as she remounted her bike. Looking down to get clicked into her pedals, she did a double take as she saw she still had on ..

her red ruby slippers !! Hey, wait a minute ….


PS Dorothy’s ‘red ruby’ slippers were originally metallic silver with stiletto high heels. However Judy Garland suffered such frequent incidents tripping and falling during filming, the stilettos were replaced with the more sensible shoes late in the filming of this movie classic. The decision to switch to red ruby slippers was undoubtedly done to highlight the use of Technicolor, the Wizard of Oz being one of the original films to first use Technicolor.

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